Press Release - Vital Health News


Oral hygiene has changed.  Have you?

(Philadelphia) - So you're taking care of your mouth just the way your mother and your dentist told you.  You're brushing after every meal.  You're flossing at least twice a day.  Got it made, right?  Wrong.  According to highly-heralded Philadelphia dentist and scientist Dr. Jon L. Richter, DM D, Ph.D., if you're not cleaning your tongue of bacteria and using a chlorine dioxide deodorizing rinse, your mouth is a breeding ground for smelly germs, bacteria - and bad breath.  Dr. Richter founded the first clinical program in the country devoted exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of breath odor problems.  Independent research has proven that his ProFresh BreathCare System, developed directly from the clinical protocol, not only cured thousands of patient's breath problems but also had other oral hygiene benefits - a significant reduction of dental plaque.

"Whether you have bad breath or not," Richter says, "the ProFresh regimen will help you.  The regimen, which includes the use of a chlorine dioxide rinse, reduces the free-floating bacteria in your mouth.  That cuts down on plaque that builds around teeth and gums." Dental plaque causes decay and periodontal disease.

1,000 Dentists Can't Be Wrong

Richter's research, published papers and lectures worldwide have gained the approval of over 1,000 dentists nationally, who have followed his lead by offering breath odor treatment in their offices.

Commercial mouthwashes are short-term bad breath cover-ups and they don't affect or eliminate the problem: bacteria that thrives mainly on the back of the tongue.  These bacteria produce putrid sulfur gasses which cause offensive breath odor and plaque.  Using the ProFresh BreathCare System daily removes the bacteria and eliminates all residual odors they produce.  ProFresh, a patented chlorine dioxide rinse, is safe, non-toxic and non-alcoholic.

So why isn't everyone using ProFresh?   "Getting people to use a chlorine dioxide rinse along with a tongue cleaner is part of an education process that is just starting to sink in," says Dr. Richter.  His appearances on national television news shows including Good Morning America and 20/20 and articles featured in The New York Times, USA Today and many other national publications are helping to spread the word.



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